Specifications :
These viscometers are designed for viscosity tests of petroleum Products. They confirm to requirements of IP 70 (Former). Two adaption of Red Wood viscometer are available No. 1 for liquids having Red Wood flow 20 seconds to 2000 seconds and No. II for liquids whose flow time exceeds 2000 seconds, The complete out fit comprises Stainless steel bath with electrical heating arrangement suitable to operate at 220 Volts AC Mains with tap, oil cup with precision stainless steel jet, cup cover, ball valve, thermometer-clip. Stirrer and M.S. Sheet stand
Special Feature :
S.S. Bath made of Spun Sheet in one piece (Joint less)

Specifications :
It consists, One Red Wood No.1 cup and One Red Wood No. 2 cup are installed in the bath. The bath is made from SS Sheet The temperature is Controlled by Electronic Digital Temperature Controller. The Stirring is done by FHP electric motor in the heating compartment, The unit has 2 sets of Oil Cup covers, thermometer Clips and ball valve. Suitable to operate on 220 volts AC Circuits.
Specifications :
As per IP 72 and IS 1206 standards. It is used for determination the viscosity of road oils and cut back bitumen. It consists 5.5. Bath with cup of 10 mm or 4mm orifice and sleeve, Stirrer with lifting clip and ball. The assembly kept on Suitable stand with levelling Screws. Suitable to operate on 220 Volts AC Mains

Specifications :
Consist 2 cups in a S.S. Water Bath mounted on Stand with levelling feet. Fitted with 1000 watts heater. Temperature is controlled by DIGITAL ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER with F.H.P. electric motor Stirrer. Supplied with one Tar Cup 10 mm and one 4 mm orifice with Valves.
Specifications :
Made as per ASTM D-88 specifications with two jets one Universal and Furol Jets made of Stainless Stirring is done by hand with turn table arrangement (without 0..1 Strainer, withdrawal Tube and glass wares). Suitable to operate on 220 volts AC mains.

Specifications :
This viscometer bath is used to maintain the correct constant Temperature for estimating kinematic Viscosity of Oils & Petroleum product. In this type of bath Various Viscometers may be fixed as an internal part of bath .The bath is rectangular in shape. Inside tank made of Stainless steel sheet. On two sides toughened glass provided for full visibility of objects. The bath is controlled by an electronic relay and Digital Controller Temperature range 5°C above room temperature to 95°C. Accuracy ± 0.1°C Stirring is done by a F.H.P. elect. motor stirrer. It is Supplied with Viscometer tube holders and S.S. cover.
Specifications :
This type of cup has been in popular use for many years and confirms to IS 3944-1965 specifications. These are available in following sizes. Jet No. B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5 & B-6.

Specifications :
This apparatus is suitable for determining the close cup flash point of petroleum and mixtures according to IP 33 and IP 170 and also IS 1448 (Part I) 1985 (P:20). It is suitable for oils whose flashes below 700C. It is supplied with oil cup, cover fitted with stirrer, thermometer socket S.S. Water Bath, Stand. An electric heater is fitted at bottom for operation on 220 Volts AC Circuits.
Special Features: Copper Bath Made of Spun Sheet one piece (Joint Less) also available at extra cost.
Viscometer tube holders and S.S. cover.
Specifications :
This apparatus is made as per IP 34, ASTMD-93 and IS 1448 (Part I) 1270 (R21) and IS 1209-1953 method B. Used for finding out Flash Point above 70 C and below 300° C. The Instrument having Oil Test Jet/Gas Test Jet Flame Device, stirrer with flexible shaft. The Assembly rests in Air Bath which is covered with Dome shape metal top. The cup is fitted with insulated Handle and locking arrangement near Cup flange. The assemble is kept on round shape electric heater with Separate temp. regulator. Suitable for operation on 220 Volts 50 cycles AC Circuits.

Specifications :
This apparatus is used for determination of flash point and fire point of petroleum products open cup flash above 80°C as per specification IP 36 and IS: 1448 (P: 69) 1969. The apparatus consists of a Brass cup, heating plate to specific dimension thermometer clip and test flame attachment with swivel joint for passing over test liquid surface in the prescribed manner, Heating is controlled by means of energy regulator fitted to the apparatus. Suitable for aeration on 220 Volts 50 cycles AC Circuits.
Specifications :
This apparatus is used for penetration test on a wide variety of materials. It consists of a head Support mounted on a vertical rod which can be adjusted for height. A rack and pinion and pointer assembly provides fine adjustment of needle tip to Sample and in Corporates a Slipping clutch mechanism which make reading of penetration and subsequent resetting a sample and accurate operation. The dial graduate from 0-400 in one tenth millimeter Sub Division. The Instrument is supplied with two sample containers & 2 Wts (50 gm. / 100gm.)

Specifications :
This apparatus is used for determinations of distillation characteristics of petroleum products. The instrument consists of M.S. metal shield to support distillation flask with GEARED HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE DEVICE. It has a slot for vapor tube. A glass window is provided in front side for clear view of inside objects. It also has cooling bath or condenser with M.S. black painted stand. Electrically heated. The instrument is supplied with two square asbestos boards with 50mm and 70 mm holes. (without glass wares)
Specifications :
It is used for determination of calorific value of liquid & Solid fuels. The Instrument consists S.S. Body made out of corrosion resisting stainless steel Rod cap. 300 m I, Calorimeter vessel, outer Jacket with insulated Body, offset stirrer, S.S. Crucible, pellet press, ignition wire, pressure gauge, with flexible pipes. with electronic firing unit.

Specifications :
All calculations are done Automatically by system itself and then are automatically displayed, printed and transferred to PC Micro controller based.
- Automatic Measurement and calculation of calorific values/water Equivalent.
- Timer control through RTC which makes it highly accurate.
- Thermal Printer interface for printing the final Result.
- Soft touch keypad for menu driven setting of different Parameters.
- Automatic measurement and mathematical calculation of the calorific value /water Equivalent which eliminate the presence of operator to be continuous to note the maximum temp. rise.
- Weight of tablet/ water equivalent feedable though keypad by user.
- Full test report print out with date and time and company name.
- True temperatures scanning resolution of 0° 01°C
- PC Software for data record
Specifications :
For determination of softening point of bituminous materials according to IP 58 and IS 1205-1958. Softening point is that temperature at which the specimen under test becomes soft enough to allow a steel ball of specific dimensions to fall a required distance under test condition. The apparatus consists of glass breaker, ring stand, two steel balls with rings and ball guides, hand stirrer.

Specifications :
This is made according to specification laid by IP 15 & IS 1448 (P : 10) 1970. The pour point is lowest temperature at which the oil will just fail to flow. The apparatus Consists main cooling bath made out of S.S. sheet and stand unit with drain plug and cover has provision for fitting thermometer and a filling aperture for adding freezing mixture. A Glass jar for containing oils, Jacket, disc and gasket as specified are also provided.
Specifications :
Aniline point apparatus as per IP 2 & IS 1448 (P-3), ASTIVI D 611 method A complete with jacket Electric heated with energy regular control (without thermometer)

Specifications :
Orsat gas analysis apparatus with three absorption pipettes of two compartment type, 100 ml Gas burette with outer jacket, manifold with stopcocks and aspirator bottle, for the analysis of CO, 0„ CO, particularly in fuel and furnace gases, complete in wooden cabinet with sliding doors. Chemical to be arranged by the user.
Specifications :
This apparatus consists of a cylindrical block of Aluminum with a built in electrical heating element. The mounted Alum. block illuminates from below by a lamp fixed in its housing. The aluminum block accept three capillary tubes and mercury thermometer. The temperature is controlled by rotary switch. The magnifying lenses provided for viewing objects clear. Suitable for operation on 220 Volts AC circuits.